Monday, October 12, 2009

cause I can dish it out, but I can't take it...

So right now I'm poor. Like, epically poor. In fact, I'm pretty sure I'm on the same level K-Fed was when he was sucking dick in the back-alleys of LA's finest for a dimebag before he married that rich whore and then divorced her just as quick (say what you want, but that was one hell of a smart move on his part).
While my stomach is still free of semen (at the moment), I'm really starting to feel the pressure of being stuck in such a low SES. Now, I can't complain too much because I have a roof over my head as well as enough noodles for the next three weeks to survive (I hope), but it sucks wondering if something unexpected will occur in that time frame that I won't be able to afford to fix. Health goes bad? I'm fucked. So is my girlfriend. Apartment gets robbed/burns down? We're both fucked again because I don't have the money to pay for renter's insurance anymore. Basically, I feel as if I'm going through life with my fingers crossed at all times just praying that nothing bad happens to us until we both have actual jobs that pay a living wage as opposed to a minimum one. No one should be forced to live like this, and yet the majority of people do. Yay for capitalism, right?
Seriously though, movie stars, athletes, the big money-making businessmen, do you really need all of that money? I appreciate what you do, don't get me wrong, it's just that I really think you're overpaid. You don't need all that money to survive, bro. Let's say you make $14 mil this year. I understand you're never going to see all 14 of those millions. After taxes, maybe you'll take a cool $7 mil cut. Not bad. Not bad at all when you consider that 96% of Americans will never make that much in their entire lives. So, when you're taking home that much bank, why don't you just donate some of it? Like, let's say, half? 3.5 mil to a charity or non-profit in your city would go a hell of a long way. Now imagine if every rich fuck did the same. Shit, no more poverty in this country, at least, right?
Now, if a ran the world, you'd be donating about 5 mil of that 7, because, well, I don't think anyone needs more than 2 million a year to survive "comfortably." Seriously, dawg, you don't need that mansion in New York, a vacation home in the Keys, and a log cabin in...wherever the fuck rich people go to blow snow up their asses. You just don't. I live in a two-bedroom apartment that comprises the bottom floor of a house. You know what? I am fucking happy, minus the fact that I have to worry about paying the bills. If I didn't have that issue, I'd be extremely content right now. So why do other people feel the need to own two houses, four vacation homes, and an illegal immigrant labor force the size of Mexico City? $500,000 car? Hell yeah! Fuck the starving children living in the poor black section of the city just two miles down the road, I gotta cruise in style!
Wouldn't you hate yourself for that? I would. Just knowing that I spent money that could have kept a family warm through the winter months but instead wasted it on my own selfish wants...fuck, how can people live with themselves? You don't need that shit, man. It's fake. I know you probably have a tough job, but hey, you're making the money for it...and it's way too much. I just can't imagine a job out there where the person working it thinks, "man, this shit is soooooo tough. I totally deserve the millions upon millions that I'm making!" Unless you've been the unfortunate soul assigned to removing the barnacles that have attached themselves between Danny DeVito's ass cheeks, I really don't think you have that bad of a time.
You work long hours? So what? So does that young woman who has two kids and two minimum wage jobs. I bet she works just as long and hard (that's what she said!) as you do, and I'd also bet she'd trade you positions in a heartbeat. So you have more responsibilities, or, to be specific, more important ones? Okay, but that doesn't mean what she's doing is any less difficult. Trading stocks on the phone is no less easy than dealing with asshole customers and cleaning toilets all day. Both are just as shitty, but one is a hell of a lot more glamorous.
I don't know, the world is just crazy when you sit back and think about it. I was in a local, family owned hardware store today and the older gentlemen who was probably the son of the original owner was helping me out and was super friendly. The whole time I was thinking, "wow, you don't get service like this anymore and yet I bet this place is fucking struggling to survive." I really hope I'm wrong about that, but let's face it, big box chains have ruined this country in so many ways.
To put my experience in comparison, I went to a Home Depot last week in a predominately African American area that has been struggling for years. Yet these big chains have started moving in to try to "revitalize" the community by offering employment opportunities for the poor and under-educated people in the area. Sure, awesome idea and I'm sure it's helping a few people. But when you put it under the microscope, how much is it really helping? Minimum wage only goes so far, and it shows by how the workers treat you when you walk in the store. Good luck trying to find help, because no one in that place really gives a shit. You know what? I can't blame them, either. They're making shit pay in order to survive in their shit house/apartment in a shit area. I wouldn't give two fucks about the cocksuckers that walk into my store either. Yet when I went to the family-owned store, I hadn't taken two steps before that guy started helping me around the store.
Just think about that. It blows my mind and super-depresses me when I do. Yet there's people out there who think capitalism is still working for our country and that as long as you work hard you can succeed. Okay...but all those people who are preaching this train of thought are the same ones making a shitton of money, aren't they? I would love to ask each and every one of them how they came into their position of power because if I were to make just a quick guess, I'd say more than half inherited the business through their parents, while 30% or so had some serious connections. Maybe 20% are actually hardworking dudes who made it from rags to riches? I don't know, man, but looking around America, all I see are a bunch of self-righteous rich assholes who got where they are through inheritance and luck.
Dear Ronald Reagan Ghost: can you trickle-down some of that luck? Cause I'm all out of inheritance.

By the way, that hardware store is in the South Side, near 18th Street on East Carson. I will never shop anywhere else but there ever again.

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