Monday, November 16, 2009

"Korrok, man, what a dick!"

Long time no see, eh?

It's been a hell of a last eight days or so for me since I came down with the dreaded H1N1 on or around November 7th. I'll skip most of the details here and just say that it does indeed suck and to rest as much as possible. Really, it's just like the regular flu. Unfortunately for me, it was worse the worst flu I’ve ever had in my life. Yet really, that's all I have to say about it. I'm over it, and (I hope) it's over me. Oh, except I had to miss out on going to the Penn State/Indiana game over the weekend. Of course the Lions won, and it would have been the only game I went to this year in which they accomplished this particular feat (thank you, Iowa and Ohio State). Shit happens, I guess.

Now, on to the bad news.

It's crunch time for me on the school front; November and December are always the worst months (along with March and April) when it comes to the amount and difficulty of school work. This means I highly doubt I'll be posting more than once a week on this blog (if not less). What does this mean for the -1 amount of visitors that actually read my beautiful literature (which, by the way, has been compared to Updike and Wong by certain, highly respected critics (me))? Um, I don't know, I guess you'll be spared the potential tragedy of lowering your IQ any further than it is already. And, hey, let's be honest here, for some of you guys I'm sure that means you may be one step further in completing the nearly impossible task of not shitting your pants every six hours, or, at the very least, not throwing said-shit when it does hit the bottom of the inside of your pant leg.

Huh. Maybe I take all that back. This sounds like a win-win for everyone, I guess.

Yet at the off-chance that one of you simpletons that does indeed read this is in fact already trained to shit in some sort of container other than your very own underwear, than I'm sorry to say that you're gonna miss me…at least till Christmas, when I plan on getting my very own netbook that I will carry around and never let out of my sight.

So yeah, here's my goodbye. For now at least. Who knows? Maybe I'll free up some time in just an hour or two and be right back on here. Or maybe I will indeed form a rip in the space-time continuum through my constant flatulence and be able to write at my own, gassy desire.

More than likely, though, I won't see any of you fucks till Christmas.  I do have a gift for you, however.  To make up for my lack of future posting, go read this novel.  But don't say I didn't warn you.  Confused?  You'll know when it happens.  They'll make their presence known, trust me.  That's all I can say.

Happy Thanksgiving.

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