Monday, January 25, 2010

Pointless Update: Entry 101189

I haven't been writing as much, I know.  Don't ask why.  I wouldn't blame it on a lack of time or subjects; in fact, I've actually been participating in a lot of cool stuff lately.  I went to a party at Penn State this past weekend, for instance.  I even managed to only drunkenly smoke one cigarette, which, by the way, was not as good as  I remember it.  The unfortunate aspect is that I know I would still start smoking again if I bought a pack randomly someday.  It's truly a weird situation knowing that smoking really isn't all that great nor is it what I remember (taste/smell wise) but that I'd still pick it right back up if I really wanted.  I guess that's a weakness of sorts.  I highly doubt I'd ever start smoking again while in a relationship with my girlfriend, but should things ever go south and that would end, I can 100% guarantee that I would begin smoking again.  Shit, that almost rhymes.  Onward and upwards, I guess.
I'm starting to think I might just have writer's block...but a really weird form of it.  I mean, I have tons of ideas and stories literally floating around in my head at this very moment.  Unfortunately, I don't really feel like writing about any of them.  It almost feels as if I'm waiting for something, though I really have no idea what.  Well, I take that back.  I know I'm waiting for that one great idea that will eventually culminate into a story that I feel could be the one that gets me out in the public eye.  I know that is coming.  What it is or what it involves, however, is still pretty vague.
I did write a review for today, though.  I'll see if it gets posted this week at all and add the link to this page.  If it doesn't, I'll just post the entire review for anyone interested.

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